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鄭致道, 台灣臨床進階教育基金會
2023-07-04 ~ 2024-07-03
修課人數 3259 人
課程長度 55 分鐘 6 秒
影片 1 部




癌症病人的疾病因應,為癌症存活者的重要議題,過去研究顯示與焦慮、憂鬱、及生活品質相關,國際學者普遍也採用癌症因應量表(The Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale, MAC)來探索癌症因應的不同面向,包括無助無望、憂思盤據、隨緣宿命、認知逃避、以及奮戰精神。比較缺乏的是縱貫性的研究,來闡述癌症病人各種因應型態長期的變化,以及是否病人在罹癌後,是否會出現創傷後成長/折損,此講座將利用一項長達十年的追蹤研究,來探討不同因應型態與癌症病人長期心理健康的關係,並提出進一步需要解決的臨床研究問題。


  1. 對象:專科護理師護理師以及有興趣之醫事人員均可報名參加。
  2. 提供專科護理師、護理師取得繼續教育積分(每個月10號上傳積分,建議每月8號前取得成績,教育積分上傳日如遇假日,將順延至上班日上傳)
  3. 如需緊急上傳學分,每堂課程需加收300元行政處理費。
  4. 每堂課程1積分(網路繼續教育課程課程屬性|專業
  5. 課程開放時間20230704~20240703日。
1 (小時)
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介紹 :
和信治癌中心醫院 身心科 主任/醫學研究部 副主任
國防大學政戰學院 心理及社會工作學系 兼任副教授
台灣心理腫瘤醫學學會 理事長
臺大醫院 精神部 兼任主治醫師
財團法人迦樂醫院 醫療部 主治醫師、院長
國軍高雄總醫院 精神科 主治醫
1.Ho, S.M.Y., C.T. Cheng, S.M. Shih, K. Taku, and R.G. Tedeschi, The Chinese version of Posttraumatic Growth and Depreciation Inventory-Expanded version (PTGDI-X) for cancer survivors. Support Care Cancer, 2022. 30(1): p. 237-249.
2.Galeano Machuca, M.P., D.L. Ng, S.D. Terng, W.C. Wu, and C.T. Cheng, Survival and complications with a surgical approach in advanced hypopharyngeal cancer. J Surg Oncol, 2021. 123(7): p. 1540-1546.(corresponding author)
3.Galeano Machuca, M.P., S.C. Cheng, T.H. Jou, and C.T. Cheng, Determinants of Breast-Conserving Therapy in the Asian Population: A Systematic Review. World J Surg, 2021. 45(3): p. 799-807.(corresponding author)
4.Cheng, C.T., S.M.Y. Ho, Y. Lai, Q. Zhang, and G.L. Wang, Coping profiles predict long-term anxiety trajectory in breast cancer survivors. Support Care Cancer, 2021. 29(7): p. 4045-4053.
5.Chen, L.T., C.T. Cheng, I.P. Huang, J.H. Chang, N.T. Chang, and F.H. Hsiao, The multiple mediating effects of cancer threat appraisal and quality of life on the association between mindfulness and depression for colorectal cancer survivors. Psychooncology, 2021. 30(6): p. 853-862.
6.Cheng, C.T., G.L. Wang, and S.M.Y. Ho, The relationship between types of posttraumatic growth and prospective psychological adjustment in women with breast cancer: A follow-up study. Psychooncology, 2020. 29(3): p. 586-588.
7.Cheng, C.T., S.M. Ho, Y.C. Hou, Y. Lai, and G.L. Wang, Constructive, illusory, and distressed posttraumatic growth among survivors of breast cancer: A 7-year growth trajectory study. J Health Psychol, 2020. 25(13-14): p. 2233-2243.
8.Lin, C.S., Y.Y. Huang, S.C. Pan, C.T. Cheng, C.C. Liu, C.H. Shih, H.L. Ho, Y.C. Yeh, T.Y. Chou, M.Y. Lee, and Y.H. Wei, Involvement of increased p53 expression in the decrease of mitochondrial DNA copy number and increase of SUVmax of FDG-PET scan in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Mitochondrion, 2019. 47: p. 54-63.
9.Cheng, C.T., S.M.Y. Ho, W.K. Liu, Y.C. Hou, L.C. Lim, S.Y. Gao, W.Y. Chang, and G.L. Wang, Cancer-coping profile predicts long-term psychological functions and quality of life in cancer survivors. Support Care Cancer, 2019. 27(3): p. 933-941.
Liu, C.Y., C.S. Lin, C.S. Shih, Y.A. Huang, C.C. Liu, and C.T. Cheng, Cost-Effectiveness of Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. World J Surg, 2018. 42(8): p. 2522-2529.(corresponding author)
10.Liu, C.-C., B.-Y. Wang, C.-S. Shih, N. Pennarun, L.-C. Lim, S.-Y. Gao, and C.-T. Cheng, Comparison of survival between lung cancer patients receiving single or multiple-incision thoracoscopic surgery. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 2018.(corresponding author)
11.Wang, G.L., C.T. Cheng, A.C. Feng, S.H. Hsu, Y.C. Hou, and C.Y. Chiu, Prevalence, risk factors, and the desire for help of distressed newly diagnosed cancer patients: A large-sample study. Palliat Support Care, 2017. 15(3): p. 295-304.
12.Liu, C.Y., C.T. Cheng, B.Y. Wang, C.H. Shih, and C.C. Liu, Number of Retrieved Lymph Nodes and Postoperative Pain in Single-incision and Multiple-incision Thoracoscopic Surgery. Ann Surg, 2017. 265(6): p. E76-E77.
13.Lin, C.S., C.Y. Liu, C.T. Cheng, Y.C. Tsai, L.W. Chiou, M.Y. Lee, C.C. Liu, and C.H. Shih, Prognostic role of initial pan-endoscopic tumor length at diagnosis in operable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma undergoing esophagectomy with or without neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy. J Thorac Dis, 2017. 9(9): p. 3193-3207.
14.Cheng, C.T., C.Y. Lin, S. Hung-Chun Cheng, Y.P. Lin, L.C. Lim, N. Pennarun, Z.Y. Liu, and S.D. Terng, Survival benefit of surgical approach for advanced oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer: A retrospective analysis. Head Neck, 2017. 39(10): p. 2104-2113.
15.Shih, C.S., C.C. Liu, Z.Y. Liu, N. Pennarun, and C.T. Cheng, Comparing the postoperative outcomes of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) segmentectomy using a multi-port technique versus a single-port technique for primary lung cancer. J Thorac Dis, 2016. 8(Suppl 3): p. S287-94.(corresponding author)
16.Liu, C.C., C.S. Shih, N. Pennarun, and C.T. Cheng, Transition from a multiport technique to a single-port technique for lung cancer surgery: is lymph node dissection inferior using the single-port technique?dagger. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2016. 49 Suppl 1: p. i64-72.(corresponding author)
17.Liu, C.C., C.S. Shih, Y.H. Liu, C.T. Cheng, E. Melis, and Z.Y. Liu, Subxiphoid single-port video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. J Vis Surg, 2016. 2(7): p. 112.
Lin, C.S., C.T. Cheng, C.Y. Liu, M.Y. Lee, M.C. Hsiao, C.H. Shih, and C.C. Liu, Radical Lymph Node Dissection in Primary Esophagectomy for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Ann Thorac Surg, 2015. 100(1): p. 278-86.
Wang, G.-l., S.-m. Shih, Y.-c. Hou, S.-h. Hsu, A.-c. Feng, and C.-t. Cheng, Trajectories of psychosocial distress and its correlation with physical problems, social support, coping styles and posttraumatic growth among breast cancer survivors. Pscyhooncology, 2013. 22: p. 308.
18.Cheng, C.T., Psycho-oncology in Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, 2011. 25(4): p. 221-2.
19.Myung, S.K., W. Ju, D.D. McDonnell, Y.J. Lee, G. Kazinets, C.T. Cheng, and J.M. Moskowitz, Mobile phone use and risk of tumors: a meta-analysis. J Clin Oncol, 2009. 27(33): p. 5565-72.
20.Lung, F.W., C.T. Cheng, W.T. Chang, and B.C. Shu, Anxiety and mood disorder in young males with mitral valve prolapse. J Multidiscip Healthc, 2008. 1: p. 89-92.
和信治癌中心醫院 身心科
加州大學柏克萊分校 公衛博士
台灣大學 醫學士